Trisden Smith

Inmate Profile Picture

Mailing Address:

Trisden Smith #2428691

Utah State Correctional Facility
P. O. Box 165300
Salt Lake City, UT 84116


I lived a life of isolation and suffer from tremendous inner turmoil. I never knew how to talk to people though I desire love and acceptance. I seem to only screw it up. It seems like I am living in a world where everyone is acting upon a script and guidelines they follow, and all I can do is try to stumble my way through this play we call life. Thankfully, in the moments I am granted the familiar "gift" of isolation, I express myself through drawing and writing. When I draw, I draw unguided and will draw anything in my vision or however my hand is guided. I am deaf, but I do have cochlear implants so I love music too. I escape the world in prison through reading sci-fi & fantasy.


I love dubstep, electronic music, dancing, beautiful artwork, cooking prison food. I am a prison guy Fiery. Dungeons & dragons. I want to be a fully changed person before I am free from prison.


Without knowledge.


This is how you must be kept, tucked away in a box, seen as guilty before proven to be innocent, yet you will not be seen. You are just a number. Pushed into a deal because it’s an election year. They know the truth, yet who really cares? After all, they need the conviction rates up.


Fuck you, inmate.

Welcome to the end of your life.



Dead Girl Walking