Trisden Smith

Inmate Profile Picture

Mailing Address:

Trisden Smith #2428691

Utah State Correctional Facility
P. O. Box 165300
Salt Lake City, UT 84116


I lived a life of isolation and suffer from tremendous inner turmoil. I never knew how to talk to people though I desire love and acceptance. I seem to only screw it up. It seems like I am living in a world where everyone is acting upon a script and guidelines they follow, and all I can do is try to stumble my way through this play we call life. Thankfully, in the moments I am granted the familiar "gift" of isolation, I express myself through drawing and writing. When I draw, I draw unguided and will draw anything in my vision or however my hand is guided. I am deaf, but I do have cochlear implants so I love music too. I escape the world in prison through reading sci-fi & fantasy.


I love dubstep, electronic music, dancing, beautiful artwork, cooking prison food. I am a prison guy Fiery. Dungeons & dragons. I want to be a fully changed person before I am free from prison.

Utah State Correctional Facility 10/7/23


So you asked me what a “day in the life” is like. Well, first, let me tell you I'm a level two inmate, which means I'm in maximum security for some bad choices, but that's beside the point. Hence, we get 3 hours a day out… eight cells at a time to shower, exercise, talk among each other, and those locked down and pass stuff for each other such as kites, coffee, soups, electronics, etc.


We come out from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m., 2 to 5:00 p.m., 10:00 to 2:00 p.m., and 7 to 10:00 a.m. Meals, 8:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m., and 5:00 p.m. Pill line comes from 7:00 to 8:00 a.m., so my sleep and personal time vary depending on the day, but it goes something like this…


I wake up to the pill line and get my meds, make some coffee, or try to get some if I don't have a shot. Once that's taken care of, it's time to hustle. I do things such as laundry,  burn ink, sew, draw cards, make the brew, and roll sticks to make "selfs" and "hooks." Other people do other things, from selling their pills to fixing Electronics. Everyone has their own thing, you know. so, as I wait for rec. I do projects. 


As soon as Rec starts, I come out, shower, and use the phone if I have the money. Then it’s time to hustle and round up everything I need, like food, coffee, and envelopes, by selling ink and girl pics. Honestly, I get one to two soups a picture, so I asked if you could send me a handful so I can eat well. 


After rec is over, I come home and either take some time to myself to read, draw, and write or do laundry. Yes, we do our laundry in the toilet, but we clean it daily before I start laundry. 


That's about it.

Oh yeah, we also have an afternoon pill line from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.